In the name of Allah the Merciful

Quality Improvement: A Guide for Integration in Nursing

2nd Edition, by Anita Finkelman, B08M47RZFR, 128420653X, 1284231836, 9781284206531, 9781284231830, 978-1284206531, 978-1284231830

15 $

English | 2022 | EPUB, Converted PDF | 25 MB

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Quality Improvement A Guide for  Integration in Nursing, Second Edition is an integral resource for both  nursing students and professionals. Quality improvement is a crucial  part of healthcare and one that nurses are charged with implementing  daily as they care for patients. This text is completely focused on  teaching the importance of QI through patient care and error reduction.  It also reinforces the concept that nurses in all positions and  healthcare settings must understand how QI works as well as how to  integrate it into their daily work to create and maintain a culture of  safety. Quality Improvement A Guide for Integration in Nursing, Second  Edition can be used broadly across nursing degree programs and  professional practice. It outlines the foundation for quality  improvement and features new advanced practice content applicable for  APNs and DNPs by moving beyond the basics throughout each chapter. In  addition, the author will release monthly QI-related content via the  Navigate Companion Website to keep up with current trends and literature  findings. Key Features: New QI responsibilities section in each chapter  will show how to apply QI content for three roles: staff nurse, nurse  manager, and advanced practice nurse/DNP Apply CQI section at the end of  each chapter includes activities, exemplars, and evolving case studies  to encourage further critical thinking Monthly content updates covering  the latest quality improvement news and literature “Engaging Students in  Quality Improvement” faculty teaching/learning strategies