In the name of Allah the Merciful

Neonatal Simulation: A Practical Guide

Lamia M. Soghier- Beverley Robin | 1610022602, 978-1610022606, 9781610022606

20 $ / 20 € / 20 USDT / 2.000 ₽ / 5.000 ₨ / 500.000 Toman

PDF 2021

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Developed by the leading experts in neonatal simulation, this innovative new resource delivers neonatology health care providers and educators essential guidance on designing, developing, and implementing simulation-based neonatal education programs.

The early chapters cover learning theory, fundamentals of scenario design, and simulation and the Neonatal Resuscitation Program*. The later chapters cover specific applications of simulation in neonatology and debriefing techniques.

The book walks the reader through scenario design, mannequins and task trainers, moulage, simulation techniques, virtual simulations, mannequin adaptations needed to conduct specific simulation procedures, debriefing methods, and more.

Step-by-step images walk the reader through adapting mannequins to simulate procedures and how to replicate body fluids and conditions commonly encountered in newborns.

With 225+ color images, as well as plenty of helpful boxes and tables throughout, the book will be useful to both novice and expert.

More than 30 chapters include

•In situ simulation

•Simulation and the Neonatal Resuscitation Program

•Mannequins and Task Trainers

•Boot Camps

•Debriefing in Simulation-based Training

•Simulation Operations

•And more...