What will you find in this book?
A practical guide to nutrition for those who wants to understand how weight loss works or want to understand how to increase muscle mass
Macronutrients and their energetic role
Know the role of macronutrients sunch protein, carbohydrates and fats and how they act in body recomposition.
Examples of diets.
You will find many examples of food plans at different levels of kilocalories.
Body Recomposition
Understanding what it is and how it is obtained.
Measurement and body indices
Use measurements and indices to track your path.
Food diary
How to keep a food diary and what it is for.
Training protocols
12 weeks of training for body recomposition with a view to weight loss.
Some topics covered
How energy systems work.
Understanding kilocalories and their role.
Energy balance.
Food categories.
Macronutrients, Micronutrients, Supplements.
Food diary.
Measurements and indices.
Food plan.
Practical examples of diet.
Understanding body recomposition.
Training protocols.
Food tables.
Who is this book for
A practical guide to nutrition for those who want to understand how weight loss or muscle mass gain works. You will find useful and scientific information on everything you need to set the change in your physique or that of your customers.
Personal Trainer
Understanding which steps to follow to set up a body recomposition from the diet point of view.
For those who want to lose weight
Know the role of macronutrients, calories, how to build a food plan
For those who want to gain muscle mass
Understanding macros, the role of the TDEE, setting a power supply for the scientific mass. 12 weeks of training
For those who want to understand body recomposition in its diet aspect
All the fundamental concepts to set up body recomposition and understand the role of variables in action.
The Author
Andrea Raimondi is a certified Personal Trainer, specialized in slimming and body recomposition.
Writer of books on fitness and body recomposition such as "Natural Bodybuilding and body recomposition" and "12 Months Workouts".
In this book you will find everything you need to understand how the weight loss mechanism works and how to build your path for body recomposition and weight loss.
In a scientific way.
Find your way to a better yourself.
Macronutrients and their energetic roleKnow what foods are made of and how they act in body recomposition.
Examples of diets.You will find many examples of food and meal plans at different calorie levels and as a bonus 25 protein shakes.
Body recompositionUnderstanding what it is and how it is obtained.
Body measurements and indicesUse measurements and indices to track your path.
Food diaryHow to keep a food diary and what it is for.
Training protocols12 weeks of training for body recomposition with a view to weight loss.
How to write a food diary, how to calculate your TDEE, how to build your Food Plan, understand food components.
Practical examples of diets and a complete training protocol for losing weight.
With 25 Protein Shakes and Smoothies recipes and Food tablesEnergy systems
Energy balance
Food categories
Food diary
Muscle Physiology
Measurements and indices
Functional assessment
Aerobic activity
Why we eat too much
Food plan
Diets. Practical examples
Body recomposition
Training protocols
Appendix 1 Food Tables
Appendix 2 Protein Shakes and Smoothies