In the name of Allah the Merciful

Introduction to Programming with C++ for Engineers

Boguslaw Cyganek, 1119431107, 1119431131, 2020003379, 2020003380, 978-1119431138, 9781119431138, 978-1119431107, 9781119431107, 978-1119431176, 9781119431176, B08PHQPYJP

15 $

English | 2021 | Original PDF | 22 MB | 659 Pages

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A complete textbook and reference for engineers to learn the fundamentals of computer programming with modern C++

Introduction to Programming with C++ for Engineers is an original presentation teaching the fundamentals of computer  programming and modern C++ to engineers and engineering students. 

Professor  Cyganek, a highly regarded expert in his field, walks users through  basics of data structures and algorithms with the help of a core subset  of C++ and the Standard Library, progressing to the object-oriented  domain and advanced C++ features, computer arithmetic, memory management  and essentials of parallel programming, showing with real world  examples how to complete tasks. He also guides users through the  software development process, good programming practices, not shunning  from explaining low-level features and the programming tools.

Being  a textbook, with the summarizing tables and diagrams the book becomes a  highly useful reference for C++ programmers at all levels.

Introduction to Programming with C++ for Engineers teaches how to program by:

  • Guiding  users from simple techniques with modern C++ and the Standard Library,  to more advanced object-oriented design methods and language features
  • Providing meaningful examples that facilitate understanding of the programming techniques and the C++ language constructions
  • Fostering good programming practices which create better professional programmers
  • Minimizing text descriptions, opting instead for comprehensive figures, tables, diagrams, and other explanatory material
  • Granting  access to a complementary website that contains example code and useful  links to resources that further improve the reader’s coding ability
  • Including test and exam question for the reader’s review at the end of each chapter

Engineering  students, students of other sciences who rely on computer programming,  and professionals in various fields will find this book invaluable when  learning to program with C++.