In the name of Allah the Merciful

Fitness Programs for Women: How Women Start Playing Sport

Sandie Frazier, B0B79FYH61

15 $

English | 2022 | EPUB, Converted PDF | 12 MB

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Did you know that participating in sports keeps your mind sharp and  boosts your self-esteem? Amy Bonifas, a health journalist, delves into  the newest research on why athletics is so beneficial for us and which  activities provide the most health advantages. The past few weeks have  been a dream come true for sports fans, from the build-up to the FIFA  Women's World Cup, to incredible tennis at Wimbledon, and a nail-biting  cricket final that saw England win. The Vitality Netball World Cup was  held in Liverpool in July, and our Vitality Roses made us proud by  winning bronze in a fiercely contested play-off against South Africa.  However, the advantages of sports extend well beyond the enjoyment you  get from watching them on television. Playing sport keeps us healthy,  and getting stuck into a game gives us a powerful combination of  physical and mental health benefits.