ORDER Data Sketches: A journey of imagination, exploration, and beautiful data visualizations 10 تومان
ORDER Data Science Revealed: With Feature Engineering, Data Visualization, Pipeline Development, and Hyperparameter Tuning 10 تومان
ORDER Cyber Intelligence-Driven Risk: How to Build and Use Cyber Intelligence for Business Risk Decisions 10 تومان
ORDER CX Trinity: Customers, Content, and Context: Musings and Observations on the Evolving Customer Experience 10 تومان
ORDER Custom Fiori Applications in SAP HANA: Design, Develop, and Deploy Fiori Applications for the Enterprise 10 تومان
ORDER Countering Cyber Sabotage: Introducing Consequence-Driven, Cyber-Informed Engineering (CCE) 10 تومان
ORDER Computational Intelligence Techniques and Their Applications to Software Engineering Problems 10 تومان