In the name of Allah the Merciful

Electronics for Scientists

Daniel Santavicca, B0CFCJ6M49, 1032528133, 1000937909, 1032528125, 9781032528120, 9781032528137, 9781000937909, 978-1032528120, 978-1032528137, 978-1000937909

English | 2024 | Original PDF | 13 MB | 166 Pages

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Electronics for Scientists provides a practical and concise introduction to electrical circuits,  signals, and instrumentation for undergraduate students in the physical  sciences. No previous familiarity with electronics is required and  concepts are grounded in the relevant physics. The book aims to give  students the electronics background needed to be successful in  experimental science.

The book begins with the  fundamentals of DC circuits. This is followed by AC circuits and their  analysis using the concept of impedance. The transfer function is  introduced and used to analyze different types of filter circuits. The  conversion between time-domain and frequency-domain signal  representations is reviewed. Transmission lines are introduced and used  to motivate the different approach to designing microwave-frequency  circuits as compared to lower-frequency circuits. The physics of  semiconductors is reviewed and used to understand the behavior of diodes  and transistors, and a number of diode and transistor circuits is  analyzed. The operational amplifier (op-amp) is introduced and several  op-amp circuits are analyzed. Techniques for quantifying noise in  electrical measurements are described and common sources of noise are  discussed. The last major topic is digital circuits, which include  analog-to-digital conversion, logic gates, and digital memory circuits.  The book concludes with a brief introduction to quantum computing.

Designed  for a one-semester course, this book brings together a range of topics  relevant to experimental science that are not commonly found in a single  text. Worked examples are provided throughout the book, and each  chapter concludes with a set of problems to reinforce the material  covered. The subject of electronics is indispensable to a wide array of  scientific and technical fields, and this book seeks to provide an  approachable point of access to this rich and important subject.