In the name of Allah the Merciful

An Architecture of Care in South Africa: From Arts and Crafts to Other Progeny

Nicholas Coetzer, B0C6RB5YHQ, 0367461536, 100089407X, 9781032512372, 9780367461560, 9780367461539, 9781000894073, 978-0367461539, 978-1000894073, 978-1032512372, 978-0367461560, 978-0-367-46153-9, 978-1-032-51237-2, 978-0-367-46156-0

English | 2024 | Original PDF | 20 MB | 230 Pages

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Architects  care. It is foundational and germane to the discipline and practice of  architecture. This book charts the way the Arts and Crafts Movement  established the moral ethos of ‘an architecture of care’ that not only  remains embedded in current discourse and practice but also that is  being given a more vocal presence in our climate-crisis and social  justice world. 

By way of ‘genealogical strands’ the  book charts the origin of ‘architecture of care’ ideas in the Arts and  Crafts Movement and their impact on the ‘other progeny’ architectural  projects in South Africa over the past hundred years. These range from  the translation of inglenooks into an armature architecture of  ‘Dignified Places’ in Cape Town’s townships to the ethos of ‘upliftment’  and care that translates from Octavia Hill through to ‘correcting’  building regulations and eventually finding a less moralising and more  transformative impact in the ‘Hostels to Homes’ project. 

The  birth of design through context and climate in the Arts and Crafts  Movement is demonstrated by the shift in South African houses from boxy  cottages to solar- and nature-oriented ribbon plans as demonstrated  through the work of Helmut Stauch and Norman Eaton. The dislocation of  Arts and Crafts ideas to the Cape also demonstrated a limit to the  valorising of vernacular architecture and its ‘against-globalization’  building materials whereby English architects promoted Cape Dutch  settler architecture and denigrated African vernacular architecture. As a  final ‘genealogical strand,’ the book demonstrates the coherence of  moral instrumentality with the animism and affects potential of handmade  buildings. 

Written for academics, students and  researchers interested in architectural history, it is an eye-opening  investigation into the role of architecture in society.