In the name of Allah the Merciful

Advances in Food Process Engineering: Novel Processing, Preservation, and Decontamination of Foods

Megh R. Goyal, N. Veena, Ritesh B. Watharkar, B0BXW8ZL43, 1774911140, 9781774911143, 978-1-77491-114-3, 978-1774911143, 978-1-77491-115-0, 9781774911150, 978-1774911150, 978-1-00330-384-8, 978-1774911143, 978-1774911143

15 $

English | 2023 | PDF | 18 MB | 371 Pages

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This new volume highlights a selection of novel applications for food processing, food preservation, and food decontamination methods. It discusses the principles, benefits, and techniques used and presents recent developments and applications of ultrasonication. It explores supercritical fluid extraction and supercritical fluid chromatography, extrusion technology, advanced drying and dehydration technologies, and encapsulation methods as important tools in the processing of food. It addresses the basic membrane processing technologies along with their advantages and disadvantages. The volume presents the application and use of mathematical models for measuring and regulating fermentation procedures. It also provides an understanding of how the hydration kinetics of grains can help in optimization and scaling of processes on a large industrial scale. Topics on decontamination methods for foods are included, such as an overview of concepts, basic principles, potential applications, and prospects and limitations of cold plasma technology and irradiation in the food processing sector.